domingo, 9 de enero de 2022

OpenBSD 7.0 with Mate Desktop and Xenodm

 Hello everyone, in this tutorial I am going to show you how to enable Xenodm (display login) and Mate desktop on OpenBSD system. Mate desktop is another desktop environment, easy to use, but we need to create a file and write some text, ok! Let's go!


1. Install your operating system, in this case is OpenBSD 7.0, watch our tutorial here.

2. Pkg_add is package manager to install binaries packages, it is more easy to add and quick.

Note: you can use pkg_info -Q youpackage, to query it

#pkg_add -v mate mate-extras

3. when mate and mate-extras packages were added you can see some information, e.g. check out this file /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/mate, in this file you can read instructions to start mate desktop and how it works with xenodm.

$touch .xsession

$echo 'exec /usr/local/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/local/bin/mate-session' > .xsession

4. Enable messagebus daemon and xenodm (display login)

#rcctl enable messagebus

#rcctl enable xenodm

You can see the new file /etc/rc.conf.local

5. Don't worry, other packages were added, for example consolokit2, etc. Your system is complete, but you can add more packages.

#pkg_add -v epiphany sudo vlc mpv oxygen-icons faenza-icon-theme neofetch xdg-user-dirs chromium

When you add xdg-user-dirs afterwards you should execute the next comand


You can see yours directories by default


Now you can reboot the system or shut down it

Enter user's password, no root account

afterwards you will see the display login (xenodm), the default display login to OpenBSD, then enter your user and password, don't use root account!


Automatically you are going to use Mate desktop

Thanks a lot you, don't forget to watch my Youtube channel.

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